“If I find myself asking a student who claims that he is an ‘identity crisis’ whether he is complaining or boasting. The pertinent question would be ‘what do I want to make of myself, and what do I have to work with?’” - Erik H. Erikson
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“In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus
“Every day is a lesson. The key is to listen.” – Brother Christopher as quoted by Jesse Itzler
“We remember the black swans. Not because they are common, but because they are rare.” - Levitt and Dubner
“An intimate relationship is a study in everything that is wrong with you. Think about it.” – Gweneth Paltrow
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” – Abraham Lincoln
“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put a past together again. So let’s remember: Don’t try to saw sawdust.” – Dale Carnegie
“The best preparation for the future is the present well seen to and the last duty done.” – George MacDonald
“I know this looks like a caterpillar to you. But scientifically, according to every test, including DNA, this is fully and completely a butterfly,” - Lynch, McNicol, and Thrall
“If no one told you how to do your job, how would you do it?” – Sara Blakely
“Don’t you wish that everyone in society was as creative as the cheaters?” - Levitt and Dubner
“Open your eyes,
Dream but don’t guess.
Your biggest surprise
Comes after Yes..”
– Muriel Rukeyser
You paid the tuition, you might as well get the learning.
“I never knew an early-rising, hard-working, prudent man, careful of his earnings, and strictly honest, who complained of bad luck.” – Joseph Addison
“Years have taught me at least one thing and that is not to try to avoid an unpleasant fact, but rather to grasp it firmly and let the other person observe that I am at least treating him fairly. Then he, it has been my observation, will treat me in the same spirit.” – Benjamin Franklin
“On LinkedIn, most people only look as good as the last job they applied for.” – Cher Jones
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.” – Calvin Coolidge
“The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find.” – Unknown
“If we’re aware of how we’re feeling, it helps us process emotion to make better decisions – it gives us direction.” – Jesse Itzler
“If you spend all your time catching the little fish, you won’t have time – or develop the technique, for the patience – to ever catch big ones.” – Stephen J. Dubner